Superior statements for Xero

Automated schedule, age analysis, detailed delivery stats, and more.

You can cancel any time. No credit card required.

xero connected app badge

Statey is certified by Xero


Starter Plan

$ 10 per org, per month

Automated sending schedule

Automatically email statements to your customers on a weekly or monthly schedule.

Statement sending history

View previously sent statements.

Detailed delivery stats

See exactly who's receiving your statements and who isn't.

Personalised email template

The email sent to your customers is fully customiseable and supports dynamic fields.

Understandable payment allocations

The full payment received is shown, with the breakdown beneath on how it was allocated to invoices.

Age Analysis

30, 60, 90-day breakdown of outstanding invoices.

Custom logo on statements

Add your branding to the statements sent to your customers.

'Don't send' list

Exclude specific contacts from being automatically emailed.

Manual sending

Send statements manually any time to an individual contact, or to a group of contacts.

Standard Plan

$ 25 per org, per month

Everything in Starter plan

All features in the Starter plan, plus...

Custom recipients list

Select a Xero contact list and apply Statey's smart filters to make your schedule more specific.

Multiple contact persons

Send statements to all of the contact persons linked to the customer in Xero.

Remove '' watermark

Remove all references to '' from the statement PDFs.

Download recipients to Excel

Download lists of past and upcoming statement recipients to Excel.

Foreign currency support

Send statements to customers that trade across multiple currencies.

Pro Plan

$ 50 per org, per month

Everything in Standard plan

All features in the Standard plan, plus...

Multiple schedules

Configure multiple schedules to send statements to different groups of contacts.

Custom sending domain

Send statements from your own domain, instead of ''.


Compare Plans

$ 10


Per org, per month
$ 25


Per org, per month
$ 50


Per org, per month
Automated sending schedule
Statement sending history
Detailed delivery stats
Personalised email template
Understandable payment allocations
Age Analysis
Custom logo on statements
'Don't send' list
Manual sending
Custom recipients list
Multiple contact persons
Remove '' watermark
Download recipients to Excel
Foreign currency support
Multiple schedules
Custom sending domain
Get started. Your first 32 days are on us.

You can cancel any time. No credit card required.